Architecture, Culture and History in the Arkansas Delta Landmarks Workshop 2024
Required Readings
(during workshops only)
Buildings of Arkansas, by Cyrus A. Sutherland, Pages 218-275
Society of Architectural Historians, Buildings of the United States
Shadows Over Sunnyside, An Arkansas Plantation in Transition, 1820-1945, by Jeannie M. Whayne, The University of Arkansas Press Fayetteville, 1993
Succeeding Against the Odds, by John H. Johnson with Lerone Bennett
Under One Flag, A Year at Rohwer, by Liz Parkhurst and Pam Strickland
A Haunted Love Story, by Mark Spencer
The Architecture of Negro Travelers Greenbook, Establishments by Arkansas Cities, University of Virginia (Green Books (virginia.edu).
African Americans of Pine Bluff and Jefferson County (Arcadia Publishing, 2012), by Jimmy Cunningha
Primary Sources
John H. Johnson Museum, Arkansas City, Arkansas
Japanese American Internment Museum, McGehee, Arkansas
Rohwer Internment Site, Rohwer, Arkansas
History | Rohwer Heritage Site (astate.edu)
Jerome Internment Site, Jerome, Arkansas
Jerome Relocation Center - Encyclopedia of Arkansas
Taylor House, Tillar, Arkansas
Selma Rosenwald School, Selma, Arkansas
Allen House, Monticello Historic District, Monticello, Arkansas
dr0075-pdf.pdf (arkansasheritage.com)
National Register of Historic Places, U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service (nps.gov)
The Architecture of the Negro Travelers' Greenbook: Green Books (virginia.edu)
Readings, References and Secondary Sources
The Arkansas Delta, A Land of Paradox, by William Gatewood, pages 3, 58, 63, 128, 150, 224, 238, 286
National Park Service, (2017) The Natural Environment: The Delta and Its Resources. https://www.nps.gov/locations/lowermsdeltaregion/the-natural-environment-the-delta-and-its-resources.htm
Thinking Architecture by Peter Zumthor, 1998, First print; 1999, Reprint; 2017, Revised reprint
African Americans of Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, by Jimmy Cunningham and Donna Cunningham
Preserving The Past With Oral History (preserving-the-past-with-oral-history-rewrite-2016.pdf (arkansasheritage.com)
EDSITEmentGuidingQuestionPlaceBasedInquiry_0.pdf, National Endowment for the Humanities (neh.gov)
EDSITEment, Primary Sources Analysis Worksheet, National Endowment for the Humanities (neh.gov)
Teaching with Historic Places (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov)
Society of Architectural Historians, About SAH | Society of Architectural Historians
Farewell to Manzanar (rgandara.com) by Jeanne W. Houston and James D. Houston
Place-base Learning: Creating Clio Entries, National Endowment for the Humanities (neh.gov)
Arkansas State University Heritage Site, https://rohwer.astate.edu
George Takei, actor and POW at Rohwer Internment prison site, Fulbright College of Arts and Science, Pryor
Center for Oral and Visual History, University of Arkansas Fayetteville Interviews (uark.edu)
Rising Above (uark.edu), Rohwer Interactive V2, Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST), University of Arkansas Fayetteville
Landmarks in Humanities, by Gloria K. Kiero, Third Edition, pages 247, 263 and 447
UA Fayetteville, Arkansas Humanities Center https://fulbright.uark.edu/programs/humanities-program/arkansas-stories.php
Silva, Rachel. “Arkansas Listings in the National Register of Historic Places: Cotton Gins.” The Arkansas Historical Quarterly, vol. 70, no. 3, 2011, pp. 320–29. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/23193408. Accessed 1 Jan. 2023
Low, Light and Livable (Architecture), From Modern to Ranch, 1975-1970, A Historical Context Written and Researched by Holly Hope, 2014
Lesson Plan: Clean Lines, Open Spaces, A view of Midcentury Modern Architecture, K-12 Educators Guide, Arkansas Education Television Network
Lesson Plan: Japanese Americans and the Rohwer Relocation Camp - Butler Center for Arkansas Studies, https://www.arstudies.org and www.butlercenter.org
Lesson Plan: Under One Flag: A Year at Rohwer - Butler Center for Arkansas Studies, https://www.arstudies.org and www.butlercenter.org
Under one flag: A year at Rohwer - Lesson plans - Arkansas Studies Research Portal (oclc.org)
Lesson Plan: Camp Nine and Arkansas During WWII – Butler Center for Arkansas Studies, https://www.arstudies.org and www.butlercenter.org
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards (http://www.iste.org/standards/iste-standards)
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards | ISTE